Monday, August 15, 2016

Welcome To The Pulse Generator's Blog

By Joan Radford, Pulse Generator Manager

Our goal in setting up this blog is create another platform for communication and the sharing of information related to health, fitness and well-being.  I have the very daunting task of writing our first blog and am not shy to admit that it intimidates me greatly to think that more than one or two people, hopefully, will be reading this.
The Pulse Generator Team – Mary, Breanne, Kevin and myself, decided that as we move forward into a new year after our 25 year birthday celebrations we need to initiate some changes as  to how we  motivate and support our membership and our potential membership.  We know that we are doing a good job with those of you who attend the gym regularly, participating in your own training or in our classes and programs.  You are less than 20% of the population.  Where we miss out is the other 80% of the population who are not at the gym regularly or at all.  So now is our time to change, to accept this challenge.   

Hence our new tag line:
” If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”

Nowhere is this truer than in our industry, that is plagued with body image issues, continuous challenges and goal setting to be “better”, “fitter”, “healthier”, and workouts that are too long, too painful, or too difficult.  You know what I mean.   What we also know is that until we can honestly accept our bodies and ourselves for who we are at that moment, we will never successfully initiate healthy change and see results.  We will continuously look for the quick fix, yo-yoing with diets and the newest exercise trends , and  nutrition supplements.  But none of these are sustainable and the results are short lived.   Rather than believing that “I will look better when…” or “I will try this when…”, we want to challenge you to accept yourself  identifying  strengths and  weaknesses and understanding that anything you do within those parameters to get started is great and if you can keep it up then it is amazing.  Let’s celebrate rather than beating ourselves up with negative body images and guilt. 
So our goal this year is to provide health and fitness opportunities that will support the idea of loving and accepting ourselves…changing the way you look at yourself so that you will change what you see.  We want to encourage everyone to walk through our doors, try our services out and ask for assistance and help when needed.  We are here specifically for that reason. 

Our first Initiatives include:
Walking Works – This is an 8 week program self delivered program.  It includes an increase in intensity when you are ready, the integration of strength and core exercises when you are ready and additional information including gear, hydration and nutrition to support this program.   This program is offered free of charge to all Pulse Generator members.  Pulse Generator staff are available to answer questions and have been leading group walks over the summer, for anyone to attend.

Karma Yoga  - This program offers a  yoga class for all levels of  yoga practice including beginners.  Everyone is welcome.  It is a great place to come out and give yoga a try.

Sampler Class – Offer a four week session that will include 4 different types of classes.  The goal of this program is to give you an opportunity to try different types of programs before committing to a full class session.

Try It For Free – These will be short sessions that will offer practical application of specific fitness activities.  These will begin in October. 

If you have ideas that you believe will support our initiative, please don’t hesitate to pass them along to us.  We appreciate your feedback and ideas and look forward to a great year of communication!