Saturday, December 2, 2017


We are not going to offer the usual Fitness Centre “Surviving the Holiday Season” messages.  Instead we are going to recommend a different approach – “Enjoy the Holiday Season”.  We are going to challenge you to replace the feelings of guilt and stress with those of joy and gratitude.

The month of December traditionally offers up more options for events and get-togethers, special treats and later nights. We are going to encourage you to embrace these opportunities to get together with friends, spend time with family or help out in your community…Don’t Miss Out!  And when you are there, be present in that moment making the choices and decisions that are right for you at that time.  Rather than judging, mitigating and regretting, just own and enjoy the moment!  This is called practicing Mindfulness and it allows you to be in the moment, responding in a way that brings you less suffering and more ease and enjoyment.

If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”  Marcus Aurelius

We do want to challenge you to prioritize your personal care and wellness as well this month.  We want to encourage you to allow yourself time and space to rest, to reflect, to be quiet, and to breath; to take care of yourself as it is defined in that moment.  It may be a workout, a stretch, or even a sleep.  Only you can answer that need or desire. 

Of course, the Pulse Generator will be here to support your needs with our 24 hour facilities and the

December additions of free stretching classes in all locations. We are grateful to you all for your support and participation over this past year and we wish you all a joyful and beautiful Holiday Season.

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you for this.
    A lot of people including myself need to hear this when you are constantly struggling, dieting and working out.


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