Monday, April 20, 2020

Staff Introduction (Matt)

Pulse Generator Staff Introduction Interview: Matt Thomas (Calgary Area Team Lead)

How long have you been working with Pulse Generator?
I have been with the Pulse for 3ish years now and have been a part of the incredible growth that PG has seen over that time. When I started we had 600 members in Calgary and thanks to the whole PG team, we are now upwards of 1400 members across 6 sites.

What is your role while the fitness facilities are closed?
In addition to some regular duties, my role (working with Breanne) is to keep the membership socially engaged and provide our members with an outlet for social connection. I will be posting a number of fitness challenges and will be hosting a Friday night zoom happy hour every Friday at 6pm ( )
What do you do to keep things fresh during the quarantine?
I have been trying to do one "new" thing per day! For example; making a new recipe, working on new woodworking projects, and tuning in to our teams' great workouts 
“I’m ever-changing and always evolving, always trying new things.” –Thomas Rhett
What is your favourite part of the job?
My favourite part of the job is a two way tie between interacting with our members and working with our amazing PG team. I know it is cliché in sports to talk more about the team… however, our team is amazing both in terms of health, wellness, and fitness knowledge as well as truly caring for our members. Each team member brings a different skill set and expertise to compliment the team.

What education or certification do you have?
I have a graduate degree in kinesiology from the University of Lethbridge, focusing on physical literacy and I am a CFT through the AFLCA (personal training certification). Currently, I am using some of my extra time to work on a nutrition certification to diversify my skills.
What do you like to do for fun?
Good question.. I really enjoy being active outdoors (biking, hiking, fishing, dog walking) and enjoy spending time with my fiancé (Kara) with our 3 fur babies (Kobe, Lebron and Irving).
What is an interesting fact about you?
A couple interesting facts about me would be:
I was rated as a top 100 U16 prospect for basketball Canada in my youth.
I ran a 17:15 5km and came 3rd … still a bit chapped about that 
I enjoy craft beer, the stoutier the better
I play bass guitar and enjoy reading journal articles to always keep learning!

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